Tuesday, August 30, 2011

polka dot binding

Yeah I have just finished quilting Pink Chocolate over the weekend with Fleetwood Mac blasting on the stereo, whilst home alone, it was such a treat and now I am up to the binding.
On a few blog's of recent weeks, months there has been discussion on the binding of quilts. Well I am there and happy to say looking forward it finishing it. Yeah. I am looking forward to sitting on the lounge watching movies and finishing off this quilt and the other joy is we are in the middle of a storm this afternoon in Brissy with the rumbles and the rain. Yeah guilt free hand sewing for me.

Happy stitching and binding

1 comment:

beachvintage.com said...

Hi Stacey, what a joy to be able to sew alone with some music blasting. My dream!